• That Moment When

    September 19, 2014 2 min read

    You`re an employee at All American Clothing Co. and you are waiting in the line outside the men`s restroom during a Blake Shelton concert. Suddenly, you realize the guy in front of you is wearing All American Jeans.

    What would you do?

    So there I was…

    Waiting in line to use the men`s restroom. I reached in my pocket to check the time on my phone. Looking down on my phone, I noticed the guy in front of me was wearing All American Jeans.

    I said to myself, “Self, what should you do?"

    As a representative of the company, I felt responsible to thank the man in front of me for supporting USA workers. As a human being, I felt like I should leave him alone. A restroom is no place to compliment a man on his jeans after all.

    The situation required further investigation...

    I made a decision based on 4 key factors:

    1.) We we`re standing outside the restroom - If we were inside, things may get weird.
    2.) I was twice his body size - In case he took offense to what I was about to say, I felt comfortable enough to protect myself.
    3.) He had a cold beverage - Perhaps this would make him sociable.
    4.) Both of us were wearing All American Jeans - At the end of the day, it`s rare to see someone wearing USA made jeans as only 2% of clothing sold in America is actually made in America.

    Time was not on my side. The line got closer to the restroom. If I chose to thank him for wearing our jeans, I`d have to act soon.

    The Verdict:

    Me: “Hey there, nice pants!”
    Guy: (Turns around, looks puzzled) “Huh? What`s that?”
    Me: “Nice pants man. Jeans made in America from All American Clothing Co. I work there! Thanks for supporting USA workers with us.”
    Guy: “You work there?! I love All American Jeans man. My brother got me hooked on them. We like the tracebility feature.”
    Me: “Awesome. Thanks again. Sorry if I creeped you out, but I had to say something. I do marketing work there & felt like I should thank you.”
    Guy: “No problem. I`m glad you said something. It`s a small world sometimes! You got a card?”
    Me: “Sure do. Here you go. Nice running into you. Enjoy the rest of the show & thank your brother for his support next time you see him.”
    Guy: “Thanks. Will do!”

    What would you have done in this situation? Did Boomer handle it the way you would?

    Do you have a fun story about someone you met wearing All American Jeans?

    Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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